Tuesday, October 14, 2008

TWD: Lenox Almond Biscotti

This week for Tuesdays with Dorie, Gretchen of Canela & Comino chose Lenox Almond Biscotti. A great (and totally) tasty pick.

When I told Mr. Gooch that I was planning on making this recipe, he thought I said Lemon Almond Biscotti. At that point he said it sounded frou frou and if I was going to "man it up" by adding some ground glass or broken nails. He thinks that biscotti is slightly girly.

However, this recipe changed his mind. My new nickname is "Hotti Biscotti" because of it . So thank you Gretchen and Dorie.

Back to the recipe review. This was an easy recipe to follow.

The ingredients came together easily and quickly (just another reason I love my Kitchen Aide Mixer) without much mess.
I did have to bake the "loaves" about 10 minutes more than the recipe but I think that is because my oven is a bit off.

It loaves were easy to cut and stand up after the first baking for the second round in the oven. The final product was crispy and more than enough for many breakfasts and coffee breaks.

I ended up making 2 batches. One as written and one with dried cranberries added. I have to say I prefer the batch with the cranberries. It adds just a bit of tartness to the sweet flavor of the dough. (Note: Mr. Gooch says the cranberry version doesn't go as well with a Cinnamon Dolce Latte as the original version.)

I do wonder what these would taste like if you toasted the almonds first before adding to the dough? I think it would add a stronger nutty taste that would compliment the cranberries. Guess I will have to add that to the list of recipe modifications to try.

Visit TWD to see other baker's blogs and learn more about Gretchen and her baking background.

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Christine said...

Your biscotti looks perfect!

Jules Someone said...

I tend to use toasted nuts in most recipes. The almonds were a nice addition that way.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Love the hotti biscotti name! And those look GREAT!

Peggy said...

your biscotti look wonderful! But my mouth is watering looking at those great dinner rolls!

Bungalow Barbara said...

"Hotti Biscotti" -- love it! Congratulations on a successful Tuesdays with Dorie!

Fit Chick said...

The cranberries sound delicious, and your biscotti look great!

Leslie said...

Your biscotti are a triumph! I agree that toasting the nuts would add to the flavor.

Shari said...

Toasting the almonds first is a great idea!

Marthe said...

Nice nick name!! Your biscotti look great, I loved mine!

Anonymous said...

Looks SO yummy!! Great job!!

Gretchen Noelle said...

They look delicious and I am glad they were so well liked in your house! I hope you do try the toasted almond version - it sounds delicious!


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